
i'm learning about the 3 pathways of energy: The ATP-CP system, The anaerobic glycolysis system, (also called the lactic acid system because lactic acid is a byproduct of this metabolic energy pathway, and the aerobic system.
i need to provide three examples of sporting events or fitness activities, what energy pathway was used in that sport or activity and explain why .
i really need help
for the last one, aerobics, i think jogging or swimming are good.
i can't think of any for the first two
please help, thanks

all you need to do is think out loud and stop asking for help as soon as you get your assignment you're neve gonna learn anything by that. the question you just asked is VERY common sence

Hi there! I can certainly help you come up with examples for the first two energy pathways. Let's break it down:

1. ATP-CP System:
The ATP-CP (adenosine triphosphate-creatine phosphate) system provides energy for short bursts of high-intensity activities. It relies on stored ATP and creatine phosphate in the muscles for immediate energy. Here are a few examples:

a) Weightlifting: In weightlifting, the ATP-CP system is primarily used during short, explosive movements such as lifting heavy weights. Since these movements require quick and intense bursts of energy, the ATP-CP system provides the necessary fuel.

b) Sprinting: During a sprint, the ATP-CP system is relied upon heavily as it allows the muscles to contract rapidly and generate the necessary force. Since sprinting is a short-duration, high-intensity activity, this energy pathway is essential to meet the energy demands.

2. Anaerobic Glycolysis System:
The anaerobic glycolysis system provides energy for activities lasting between 30 seconds to around 2 minutes, where the demand for energy exceeds the immediate supply. It breaks down glucose (stored as glycogen in muscles) without the need for oxygen. Here are a couple of examples:

a) 400-meter run: The anaerobic glycolysis system plays a significant role in the 400-meter run, which requires a mix of speed and endurance. While the initial burst may rely on the ATP-CP system, the anaerobic glycolysis system is subsequently utilized to keep supplying energy as the race progresses.

b) High-intensity interval training (HIIT): HIIT involves performing short bursts of intense exercise followed by short rest periods. This type of training, like Tabata workouts, primarily engages the anaerobic glycolysis system. It allows individuals to perform high-intensity exercises, such as burpees or sprints, in a repeated and efficient manner.

I hope this helps you understand the energy pathways used in these sports/activities and why they are relevant!