which story, king arthur's or sundiata's, has more relevant message for young people today?

That is a question only YOU can answer. Which one gave you an idea that you hadn't thought about? Which one made the most sense to your life right now? That is the one that is most relevant to you.

KEystone ^.^

Determining which story, King Arthur's or Sundiata's, has a more relevant message for young people today is subjective and can vary depending on individual perspectives. However, I can explain how you can evaluate the messages of both stories to help you form your own opinion.

To assess the relevance of a story's message, it's essential to consider various aspects such as the themes explored, the values promoted, and the lessons imparted. Here's how you can approach the evaluation process:

1. Read and analyze both stories: Obtain copies of the King Arthur legend and the epic of Sundiata. Read them carefully, taking note of key events, characters, and underlying themes. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of each story.

2. Identify the themes: Examine the main themes in each story. Examples of themes from the King Arthur legend include chivalry, loyalty, and the pursuit of justice. Sundiata's epic explores themes such as destiny, courage, and the importance of community. Consider how these themes relate to the concerns and values of young people today.

3. Reflect on the messages: Reflect on the messages conveyed by each story. Analyze how they address universal human experiences and challenges faced by young people in contemporary society. Consider the moral lessons encapsulated in the narratives and how they may resonate or be applicable to the present generation.

4. Consider cultural context: Take into account the cultural contexts of the stories. King Arthur's legend originates from European folklore, while Sundiata's epic is rooted in West African tradition. Reflect on how the cultural aspects may influence the interpretation and relevance of the messages for young people today.

5. Engage in discussions: Engage in conversations with others who have read or studied both stories. Share insights, perspectives, and interpretations to gain a broader understanding. Discuss how the messages may inform and inspire young people in the modern world.

By systematically analyzing the themes, messages, and cultural contexts of King Arthur's legend and Sundiata's epic, you can develop a well-informed view on which story might have a more relevant message for young people today. Remember, relevance is subjective, and different stories resonate with individuals in unique ways.