10, 12, 22, 32, 42,... I say that this sequence is not geometric or arithmetic. Is this right?

Correct, the numbers 10, 12, 22, 32 do not follow an easy pattern.

To determine if a sequence is arithmetic or geometric, we need to analyze the differences or ratios between consecutive terms.

Let's first check if the sequence is arithmetic:

10, 12, 22, 32, 42

The difference between each term is:

12 - 10 = 2
22 - 12 = 10
32 - 22 = 10
42 - 32 = 10

Since the differences are not constant, the sequence is not arithmetic.

Now let's check if the sequence is geometric:

10, 12, 22, 32, 42

The ratios between each term are:

12 / 10 = 1.2
22 / 12 = 1.83
32 / 22 = 1.45
42 / 32 = 1.31

Since the ratios are not constant, the sequence is not geometric either.

Therefore, you are correct in your assessment that this sequence is neither arithmetic nor geometric.

To determine whether a sequence is arithmetic or geometric, we need to analyze the differences between consecutive terms in the sequence.

Let's find the differences between consecutive terms in the given sequence:
12 - 10 = 2
22 - 12 = 10
32 - 22 = 10
42 - 32 = 10

Looking at the differences, we can see that they are not constant, which means the sequence is not arithmetic.

Next, let's examine the ratios between consecutive terms in the sequence:
12 / 10 = 1.2
22 / 12 = 1.8333...
32 / 22 = 1.4545...
42 / 32 = 1.3125

The ratios are also not constant, indicating that the sequence is not geometric either.

Therefore, you are correct. The given sequence is neither arithmetic nor geometric.