Households derive income from ______.

Households derive income from a variety of sources. These sources can include:

1. Employment: The primary source of income for many households is through wages or salaries earned from jobs. This can include full-time, part-time, or self-employment income.

2. Investments: Households can earn income from various types of investments. This can include dividends from stocks, interest from bonds, capital gains from the sale of assets, or rental income from real estate properties.

3. Government Transfers: Some households receive income from government transfer programs such as Social Security, unemployment benefits, or welfare assistance.

4. Retirement Benefits: Individuals who have retired may receive income from retirement savings accounts, pensions, or annuities.

5. Other Sources: There can be other sources of income for households, such as financial assistance from family members or income generated from hobbies or side businesses.

To determine the specific sources of income for households, one can look at personal income statements, tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, or records of government benefits received.