These are my educational goals..

Use the Education I get from this to help me become a better teacher. Ask any questions I may have.

What types of techniques did you use to set educational goals? <<< need at least 100 words...
I just thought of those.. I know I need more educational goals but I can not think.

If you want to teach, what level do you want to teach — elementary, secondary, college? Do you want to specialize in some specific area like reading, math or physical education? Do you want to strive for an associate, bachelor's, master's degree or a doctorate?

Why do you want to teach? Do you merely like working with children? Do you want to instill certain values in them? If so, what values?

Answering these questions for yourself should give you the number of words you desire.

I want to teach in Elementary

I have my associates now i just started my bachlor's.

Setting educational goals requires a systematic approach. Here are some techniques that can help you set effective educational goals:

1. Self-reflection: Start by reflecting on your current skills, knowledge, and areas for improvement. Consider your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher and think about the specific areas where you want to grow.

2. Needs assessment: Conduct a needs assessment to identify the gaps in your knowledge or the areas where you need further development. This can involve seeking feedback from colleagues, observing experienced teachers, or analyzing student assessments.

3. Research: Stay updated with the latest educational research and pedagogical practices. Look for evidence-based strategies and approaches that align with your teaching philosophy and goals. This will help you have a more informed perspective on the areas you want to focus on.

4. SMART goals: Adopt the SMART goal framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to set specific and actionable targets. Break down broad goals like "improve teaching skills" into smaller, measurable objectives like "attend three professional development workshops on classroom management by the end of the year."

5. Prioritization: Determine which goals are most important and relevant to your personal and professional growth as a teacher. Focus on a few key goals at a time to ensure you allocate enough time and resources to achieve them effectively.

6. Collaboration: Seek input and advice from experienced educators, mentors, or professional learning communities. Their insights and suggestions can help you refine your educational goals and provide guidance on resources or strategies that can support your development.

Remember, educational goals should be dynamic and adaptable. Regularly review and update your goals based on your progress and changing needs. Aim for a balance between challenging yourself and setting realistic expectations to ensure continuous growth as a teacher.