can someone unscramble these math words



the 1st one is " Ordered Pair" the 2nd one is the one i'm trying to figure out.

1. ordered pair

2. line segment

Sure! Let's unscramble these math words step-by-step.

1. Unscrambling "reaoprddrie":

- Rearranging the letters, we get:
r e a o p r d d r i e

- We can identify the word "arithmetic" in this jumble of letters.

Therefore, the unscrambled word is "arithmetic".

2. Unscrambling "enitmelgens":

- Rearranging the letters, we get:
e n i t m e l g e n s

- We can identify the word "segmentline" in this jumble of letters.

Therefore, the unscrambled word is "segmentline".

The unscrambled words are "arithmetic" and "segmentline".

Certainly! To unscramble these math words, you need to rearrange the letters to form a meaningful word related to math. Let's work on unscrambling each word one by one:

1. Unscrambling "reaoprddrie":
By rearranging the letters, we find the word "perpendicular". Perpendicular refers to two lines or segments that intersect at a 90-degree angle.

2. Unscrambling "enitmelgens":
Rearranging the letters in this word gives us "segmentline". In mathematics, a segment line refers to a finite portion of a line, having clearly defined endpoints.

So, the unscrambled math words are:

1. "reaoprddrie" unscrambled is "perpendicular".
2. "enitmelgens" unscrambled is "segmentline".