object of the preposition: A)equal rights C) rosa parks b)important step i think its b. riding the bus one day, rosa parks made an important step toward equal rights.


Remember that a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.

What is the preposition in this sentence?

The object is the noun or pronoun that ends the phrase.

Examples of prepositional phrases with the preposition in italics and the object(s) boldfaced.

around the corner
to him and her
inside a small, black box
with malice
toward none

is it equal rights

Yes. The object of the preposition is rights or equal rights.

In the given sentence, the object of the preposition is the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition. So, let's identify the preposition first.

In the sentence "riding the bus one day, Rosa Parks made an important step toward equal rights," the preposition is "toward."

Now, let's find the object of the preposition "toward." In this case, the object of the preposition is "equal rights."

So, in this sentence, the object of the preposition is "equal rights" (option A).