perform operatiion

-2a²/ * 2a+2/
3a² 15a³

We will not continue guessing what you mean.

Please type it the way suggested.

Perform operation

(-2a²)/(3a²) X (2a+2)/(15a³)

Sorry this is my first time typing out math problems. Thank you for your help.

There doesn't appear like we can do a lot here.

in the first fraction the a^2 can be canceled.
other than that, the rest stays the same

my final answer would be

To perform the given operation, we need to simplify the expression:

(-2a² / 3a²) * (2a+2 / 15a³)

Let's simplify each part of the expression one by one.

First, let's simplify the numerator of the first term: -2a².
Since there is no like term in the expression, we cannot simplify it further.

Next, let's simplify the denominator of the first term: 3a².
Again, there are no like terms in the expression, so we cannot simplify it any further.

Next, let's simplify the numerator of the second term: 2a+2.
There are no like terms in the numerator, so it cannot be simplified.

Finally, let's simplify the denominator of the second term: 15a³.
There are no like terms in the denominator, so it cannot be simplified.

Now we can rewrite the expression with the simplified terms:

(-2a² * (2a+2)) / (3a² * 15a³)

To multiply the numerator, we can distribute -2a² to (2a+2):

-2a² * 2a + (-2a²) * 2

Which simplifies to:

-4a³ - 4a²

The denominator remains the same:

3a² * 15a³

Next, we can simplify the denominator:

3 * 15 * a² * a³

Which simplifies to:


Now, let's rewrite the expression with the simplified terms:

(-4a³ - 4a²) / 45a^5

And that is the simplified form of the given expression.