Identify a specific psychological disorder as listed in chapter 12 of your text. Describe the symptoms commonly associated with this disorder according to the DSM-IV. How do the behaviors associated with this disorder differ from similar behaviors considered normal in American culture? Finally, discuss ways in which this disorder is treated. Do not discuss personal experience and do not use a disorder you have or found in your family. Use your own words and reference the text and other Library sources to support your answers. Use appropriate citation and documentation.

So what is your question? Here is a personality disorder if you need one to choose: Immature Personality Disorder.

As an AI language model, I don't have direct access to specific textbooks or library sources. However, I can provide you with some general information regarding a psychological disorder and guide you on how to find more detailed information on your own.

1. Selecting a specific psychological disorder: In order to select a specific disorder, you can refer to the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition) or other reliable sources on psychopathology. The DSM-IV provides a comprehensive list of recognized psychological disorders and their criteria.

2. Describing the symptoms commonly associated with the selected disorder: Once you have chosen a specific disorder, you can search for its symptoms and criteria in the DSM-IV or other reliable sources. Each disorder will typically have a set of specific symptoms outlined by the diagnostic criteria.

3. Comparing abnormal behaviors with normal behaviors in American culture: To understand how the behaviors associated with the chosen disorder differ from similar behaviors considered normal in American culture, you can look for cultural norms and expectations related to the specific behaviors or symptoms. This can involve exploring cultural values, societal norms, and comparing them to the symptoms identified in the disorder criteria. However, it is important to note that cultural norms and perspectives may vary, and it is crucial to consider individual differences within the culture as well.

4. Discussing treatment options for the disorder: Treatment options for a specific disorder can vary depending on several factors such as the severity of symptoms, individual needs, and professional recommendations. To discuss the treatment options, you can refer to various reliable sources such as academic journals, books, or trusted websites like the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) or the American Psychological Association (APA). Some common treatment approaches may include therapy (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy), medication, support groups, or a combination of modalities.

Remember, when researching and providing information on psychological disorders, it is crucial to rely on reputable sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, authoritative books, or official websites related to psychology or psychiatry.