The integral from 1 to 2 of x*the square root of (x-1) dx.

Using the substitution method, I said that u = x-1, du = 1 dx, and dx = du. I'm not sure how to plug u back into the equation since I still have that first x. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Let u^2=x-1


INT (u^2+1)u 2udu=
INT (2u^4+2U^2) du

revise your limits.

To solve this integral using the substitution method, you correctly set u = x - 1, which means du = dx. Now, let's substitute these expressions into the integral:

∫(1 to 2) x*√(x-1) dx

When x = 1, we can solve for u:

u = x - 1
u = 1 - 1
u = 0

When x = 2, we can solve for u:

u = x - 1
u = 2 - 1
u = 1

So, the limits of integration can be rewritten in terms of u:

u = 0 when x = 1
u = 1 when x = 2

Next, we need to express x in terms of u using the substitution u = x - 1:

u = x - 1
u + 1 = x

Now we can rewrite the integral in terms of u:

∫(0 to 1) (u + 1) * √u du

Expanding the expression inside the integral:

∫(0 to 1) u*√u + √u du

Now we can integrate each term separately:

∫(0 to 1) u^(3/2) du + ∫(0 to 1) √u du

Using the power rule, we can integrate the first term:

(2/5)*u^(5/2) evaluated from 0 to 1

Simplifying further:

(2/5)*(1)^(5/2) - (2/5)*(0)^(5/2) + ∫(0 to 1) √u du

(2/5) - 0 + ∫(0 to 1) √u du

Now let's integrate the second term:

(2/5) + (2/3)*u^(3/2) evaluated from 0 to 1

Simplifying further:

(2/5) + (2/3)*(1)^(3/2) - (2/3)*(0)^(3/2)

(2/5) + (2/3) - 0

Finally, combining both terms:

(2/5) + (2/3)

= (6 + 10)/15
= 16/15

Therefore, the value of the integral from 1 to 2 of x*√(x-1) dx is 16/15.