Target Corporation is currently seeking additional capital to expand its operations. Two companies have shown interest in providing additional capital.

Company #1 is interested in investing in the organization and, therefore, would like to have part ownership through the sale of new stock.
Company #2 is interested in providing a loan to the Target Corporation.
Both organizations need to know more about the financial stability of Target.

As an employee of Target, your supervisor needs you to write a memo in which you explain what information from the Target Corporation's financial statements will be highlighted when representatives of Target meet with each of these companies. In your memo, be sure to explain which information will be highlighted to Company #1 and which information will be highlighted to Company #2 and why. Explain any differences in the information that you have chosen to highlight.


To: [Supervisor's Name]
From: [Your Name]
Date: [Current Date]
Subject: Financial Information for Target Corporation's Potential Investors

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

In response to your request, I have identified the key financial information that should be highlighted when representatives of Target Corporation meet with Company #1 and Company #2, the potential investors. This information is crucial in demonstrating the financial stability and performance of Target Corporation.

For Company #1, which is interested in acquiring part ownership through the sale of new stock, the following key financial information should be highlighted:

1. Revenue and Sales Growth: This information showcases the company's ability to generate consistent and increasing revenue over time. It highlights the potential for future profitability and return on investment for the shareholders.

2. Profit Margin: By emphasizing the profit margin, Target Corporation can demonstrate its ability to effectively manage costs and generate profit from its operations. A healthy profit margin indicates strong financial performance and attractiveness for potential investors.

3. Return on Equity (ROE): ROE is a measure of how efficiently a company is utilizing its shareholders' equity to generate profit. A higher ROE indicates better financial performance and could serve as an incentive for investors who are seeking a return on their ownership stake.

4. Earnings Per Share (EPS): Highlighting EPS reflects the profitability that can be expected on a per-share basis, indicating the potential for future dividends for shareholders.

On the other hand, for Company #2, which is interested in providing a loan to Target Corporation, the following financial information should be highlighted:

1. Liquidity Ratios: These ratios, such as the current ratio and quick ratio, demonstrate the company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. They provide reassurance to lenders that Target Corporation has sufficient liquid assets to repay the loan.

2. Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Highlighting this ratio indicates the percentage of Target's financing provided by debt in relation to equity. A lower ratio demonstrates a lower risk of insolvency and offers greater security to lenders.

3. Interest Coverage Ratio: This ratio measures Target's ability to make interest payments on its debt obligations. By showcasing a higher interest coverage ratio, Target can reassure Company #2 that it has sufficient earnings to meet its interest payment requirements.

4. Cash Flow Statement: Highlighting the cash flow statement will provide insights into Target's ability to generate positive cash flows from its operations. Positive cash flows act as a strong indication that the company will have the necessary cash to make timely loan repayments.

The key difference between the information highlighted for Company #1 and Company #2 is the focus on ownership and future return for Company #1, whereas the focus for Company #2 is on loan repayment certainty and strong financial stability.

I hope this information helps Target Corporation effectively communicate its financial stability and performance to the potential investors. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.

[Your Name]