Discuss a minimum of two reasons why Jackson Pollock's style of painting, as exemplified by Convergence, is considered an important, innovative development in the history of painting. To see this painting, locate it in the unit’s Resource List.

Imagine that you are a defense attorney for this work of art. Support your argument with research. Establish a very strong "argument" by considering the artist's unique technique, what influenced him to create work like Convergence, and how this work fits into its specific era and specific art movement.

When researching the internet for addition resources, use reliable/credible sites. Retail sites and Wikipedia are not considered reliable resources. All writing must be in your own words. Do not cut and paste information from the website.

Check these sites.




Here are a number of critique sites for Jackson Pollock.


A picture of Convergence

Several sites with info on Pollack

As an AI, I don't have direct access to the internet or external resources. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to research and find the information you need to support your argument as a defense attorney for Jackson Pollock's painting "Convergence." Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Start by searching for reliable and credible art history sources such as academic journals, books, or reputable art websites. Some recommended websites include the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) or the Art Institute of Chicago.

2. Use keywords such as "Jackson Pollock," "Convergence," and "abstract expressionism" to narrow down your search and find relevant information.

3. Look for articles or essays that analyze Jackson Pollock's style and its importance in the history of painting. Pay attention to arguments made by art historians, critics, or other authorities in the field. Note down any interesting points or quotations that support your argument.

4. Explore Pollock's unique technique in "Convergence." Consider how his use of drip and splash painting, as well as his unconventional approach to composition, challenged traditional artistic conventions and opened up new possibilities for expression.

5. Investigate the influences that shaped Pollock's artistic vision and how they informed his creation of "Convergence." Look for information on his association with the New York School of Abstract Expressionism, his interest in Native American art and culture, or his personal struggles and experiences.

6. Place "Convergence" within its specific era and art movement, which is Abstract Expressionism. Explore how Pollock's work fit into the broader context of the movement and how it contributed to its development. Consider its relation to other prominent Abstract Expressionist artists such as Willem de Kooning or Mark Rothko.

Remember to use your own words and avoid copying and pasting information directly from the sources. Use the research to develop your argument and provide a strong defense for Jackson Pollock's "Convergence" as an important and innovative development in the history of painting.