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Sick people don't work and don't buy much.

Why should it promote economic growth and stability? What does enforcement of health (OSHA) and workplace safety do to promote economic growth? My point is, why should health, safety, well-being, food safety, labeling requirements on drugs and foods, and testing of drugs before approval have to do with promoting economic growth?

The link is beyond me, however, I know a major political party touts only things that promote economic growth, and no taxes. Personally, I think the health and welfare of the populace is a higher calling...remember the Preface to the constitution? Isn't it odd that the group touting economic growth and no taxation (and certainly no government regulation of business) has forgotten that.
So I don't see what the link is, and whether enforcement should or should not promote growth. It makes no sense to me.
How does traffic enforcement (speeding) promote economic growth?
Some things are regulated and monitored for the welfare and safety of the population, and not for growth or no growth.

Amen, Bobpursley!!!

"My point is, why should health, safety, well-being, food safety, labeling requirements on drugs and foods, and testing of drugs before approval have to do with promoting economic growth?"

Because there are many benefits to certain things. It doesn't only have to be for the benefit of the overall health of a society....there can be other benefits as well.

Think of your question in a more community-wide scale. Creating and enforcing environmental regulations may hurt a particular country, but will make the community as a whole more appealing. It will make it a place people would consider moving to start businesses or raise a family. As more families move in and more businesses start, the area begins to prosper.


I really like your thinking !

BTW, Kelvin, please use lower-case letters. Capital letters, or upper-case, in computer language is like shouting, and therefore impolite. In addition, it is much harder to read.


The U.S. government's enforcement of environmental regulations can indeed help reduce health problems related to environmental pollution. By implementing and enforcing regulations, the government aims to control and limit harmful activities that contribute to pollution, such as industrial emissions, improper waste disposal, and pollution from transportation.

When environmental regulations are effectively enforced, several benefits can arise that ultimately promote economic growth and stability:

1. Improved public health: Environmental pollution can have severe impacts on human health, leading to various diseases and health conditions. By reducing pollution, environmental regulations help prevent and minimize the negative health effects of pollutants, including respiratory and cardiovascular issues. This healthier population can lead to a more productive workforce, reducing healthcare costs and increasing overall economic productivity.

2. Increased productivity: Environmental regulations often drive innovation and technological advancements. Companies are encouraged to develop cleaner and more sustainable practices, technologies, and products to comply with these regulations. This focus on innovation can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness. For instance, the development of renewable energy sources has spurred job growth and economic opportunities in the green energy sector.

3. Protection of natural resources: Environmental regulations help preserve and protect natural resources, such as clean air, water, and land. Conserving these resources is essential for various industries, including agriculture, tourism, and fisheries. For example, regulations on water pollution help maintain clean water sources necessary for agriculture and human consumption. Protecting natural resources ensures their availability for future generations and supports sustainable economic development.

4. Prevention of costly environmental disasters: Environmental regulations can help prevent catastrophic events, such as oil spills or chemical leaks, which can have devastating environmental and economic consequences. By setting standards and enforcing safety measures, the government reduces the risk of accidents and the associated cleanup costs, litigation expenses, and long-term environmental remediation efforts. This prevention of environmental disasters contributes to economic stability by avoiding large-scale financial burdens and disruptions to industries.

5. Fostering green industries and job creation: Environmental regulations promote the development of green industries focusing on renewable energy, waste management, environmental consulting, and sustainable technologies. These emerging industries create new job opportunities and stimulate economic growth. The increased demand for environmentally friendly products and services also drives market expansion and boosts economic stability.

To summarize, the U.S. government's enforcement of environmental regulations helps reduce health problems related to environmental pollution. This reduction in health problems, coupled with advantages like improved public health, increased productivity, protected natural resources, prevention of environmental disasters, and the fostering of green industries and job creation, ultimately promotes economic growth and stability.