Which of the following statemnts BEST describes Saadi's message in "Relative"?

a. A thing's value often changes when compared to something else
b. Things are not always what they seem
c. Things created by humans do not compare to things found in nature
d. There are many obstacles on the path of success


Here's an answer.

When trying to determine the theme of a book, you much search for the overall message. On this question, was the overall message that the character highly values or poorly values something until comparing it to something else? That would be #1.

Does the character find out that things change, people deceive, perceptions are faulty? That would be #2.

Does the book focus on the beauty of nature as opposed to industrialism? That would be #3.

Does the book highlight the struggle of the main character, which ultimately leads to accomplishment? That would be #4.


To determine the best description of Saadi's message in "Relative," you can start by analyzing the poem and considering the themes and ideas presented. Here are the steps you can follow to find the answer:

1. Read the poem "Relative" by Saadi carefully and pay attention to the central ideas and themes it explores.
2. Analyze the different statements and messages conveyed by the author throughout the poem.
3. Compare the different statements mentioned:
a. A thing's value often changes when compared to something else.
b. Things are not always what they seem.
c. Things created by humans do not compare to things found in nature.
d. There are many obstacles on the path to success.
4. Evaluate each statement and consider which one aligns most closely with the message conveyed by Saadi in "Relative."
5. Choose the option that you believe best encapsulates Saadi's main message in the poem.

Based on the available options, "a. A thing's value often changes when compared to something else" appears to be the statement that best describes Saadi's message in "Relative." This message implies that the worth or significance of something can change depending on its relationship or comparison to something else. It suggests that our perception of value is relative and influenced by external factors.