The patient is alert and oriented and has normal mental status exam.

which are verbs?
alert = v
oriented = v
is = v

"is" is a verb; the others aren't

In addition to "is," the sentence has another verb.

Sorry about that. I am getting confused. I am tired.

normal is the other verb?

I suggest you quit for now, and work on this again tomorrow.

"Normal" is an adjective in this sentence.

You correctly identified the verbs in the sentence: "alert," "oriented," and "is." Verbs are words that express actions, states, or occurrences. In this sentence, "alert" and "oriented" both function as past participle verbs, describing the state or condition of the patient. The verb "is" is the linking verb that connects the subject ("patient") with the adjective phrases ("alert and oriented" and "normal").