Hi I have this nintendo ds game my spanish coach one of the games is fill int he blank but i think they might be wrong on one

This is what was given, spanish and eng
Usted __(to be filled in with "form va" they accept it is correct) a la derecha ena la esquina.
but then they have the eng translation..
You go right at the corner and turn left.
I thought udsted should make it translate as he! Not you. WTH

You is correct.

usted means you. That can be singular and formal or plural. In the olden days people used to say "Vuestra Merced" = "Your Grace." Eventually it took too long to say and write that, so it was shortened to Vd --- taking the very first letter V and the very last letter d of "Vuestra Merced." Later on that abbreviation was distasteful to some people and it changed to ud or Ud. The plural then is Uds or uds.

Now that you have the history of the word, usted takes the same form as él/ella (he/she/it) or 3rd person singular (in this case) = va.

Sorry, but what do the letters "WTH" mean? The entire sentence is:
Usted va a la derecha en la esquina = You go (turn) to the right at the corner.

You did not finish the "turn left" so I won't either.

This sounds like a very good game!


oh yeah i meant to leave that out bc i was too lazy to type in the rest of the spanish sentence.."y dobla a la izquieda"

So yeah see it isnt you, usted means he/she/it. If it was you then they should accept vas.
Im really dissapointed they made such a stupid mistake...(it is a mistake isnt it?)

WAIT! Did you read what I wrote? Usted IS you, NOT he, she, it, BUT it uses the same form. Here is the verb ir (to go) in its entirety:

yo voy
tú vas
él/ella/Ud. va
nosotros/-as vamos
vosotros/-as vais
ellos/ellas/Uds. van

Ud. = usted and Uds. = ustedes (plural)

No, the book made NO mistake BUT look again at the verb "ir" AND the ver "doblar"

If you see "Tú______, etc. = Tú vas and later dobla (tú/affirmative command)

But if you see "Usted_______, etc. = Usted va and later doble (formal command)

If you use "tú" as "you" (familiar) then you need ALL forms agreeing = the command as well.

If you use "usted" as "you" (formal) then you need ALL forms agreeing = the command as well.

Please keep asking, if you do not yet understand.


I DID READ IT how dare you accuse me of feeble efforts.

As I said before(which makes me doubt if you read my response) "If it was you then they should accept vas"
Also if Udsted is you why didn't you group it with tu on the chart not with el/ella
but since then I was doing a greetings thing on a different program and you use udsted when talking to like an old person or someone who needs respect. So I guess I kind of get it...its respectful not to refer to them directly almost, even though you are, so you say udsted which is "you" formal. So that was helpful of you

It seems like you have encountered a discrepancy between the given Spanish sentence and its English translation in the Nintendo DS game "My Spanish Coach." The sentence "Usted form va a la derecha en la esquina" is provided, and its translation is given as "You go right at the corner and turn left." However, you believe that "Usted" should be translated as "he" instead of "you."

Understanding the translation of "Usted" requires knowledge of Spanish grammar. In Spanish, "Usted" is a formal pronoun used to address someone respectfully, similar to "you" in English. When translating Spanish sentences to English, the pronoun "Usted" is most commonly translated as "you." However, in specific contexts or when referring to unknown individuals, "Usted" can be translated as "he" or "she" in English.

In this case, since we don't have any additional context, the most accurate translation of "Usted" would indeed be "you." It is used in a sentence where the subject is being instructed to go to the right at the corner and turn left. Therefore, the given translation of "You go right at the corner and turn left" is correct based on the information provided.

If you still have doubts or believe there may be an error in the game, it would be a good idea to consult additional resources or seek clarification from a Spanish language expert.