Complete the following: Many programs that prepare teachers and paraprofessionals for their new career require students to create a professional portfolio as a record of their professional development. Use Appendix A to help you create a Professional Development Plan—a component that can be added to your professional portfolio. In a 2,100- to 2,500-word paper composed in Microsoft© Word, include answers to the following questions:

o What are your goals in the next five years? In the next 10 or more years?

o What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles can you foresee and how will you overcome them?

o What is one principle from the INTASC Principles Web site that you feel you need to improve the most in order to be effective in the education profession? What existing professional development program(s) could you pursue to address the need to improve in this area?

o What professional development programs can you enroll in to help you prepare to meet the diverse needs of today's learners?

o How will you evaluate your progress? What will help keep you motivated toward achieving those goals?

o What professional organizations will you join? Why? What do you expect to gain from membership in these organizations?

o What techniques will you use to help you develop leadership skills?

I have to do this paper. but I am looking for soem websites that would help me with the proper way of setting goals (short and long term) any ideas?

To find websites that can help you with setting proper goals, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a web search using a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
2. Use keywords such as "setting goals," "short-term goals," "long-term goals," or "goal-setting techniques."
3. Look for reputable websites that offer guidance and resources on goal setting. Ensure that the websites are credible and provide reliable information.
4. Pay attention to websites that are from reputable sources such as educational institutions, professional organizations, or renowned experts in the field of goal setting.
5. Read the content on these websites and explore any tools, templates, or guides they may offer for setting goals.
6. Take notes and bookmark the websites that you find helpful and relevant to your needs.
7. Evaluate the information and select the most suitable techniques or strategies for your professional portfolio paper.

Here are a few examples of websites that might be helpful in setting goals:

1. MindTools ( - MindTools provides a wide range of resources and tools for personal and professional development, including articles and guides on goal setting.
2. Smart Goals Guide ( - This website offers information and templates for creating SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound), which can be useful for setting effective goals.
3. Indeed Career Guide ( - Indeed offers career advice and resources, including articles on goal setting and long-term career planning.
4. Harvard Business Review ( - Harvard Business Review publishes articles and insights on various topics, including goal-setting strategies and techniques.
5. Lifehack ( - Lifehack features articles and resources on personal development, productivity, and goal setting.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and use it as a reference to guide you in creating your professional development plan and goals.

Setting goals, both short-term and long-term, is an important part of personal and professional development. Here are some websites that can provide guidance on the proper way to set goals:

1. MindTools: MindTools is a popular website that offers a variety of resources for personal and professional development. They have a comprehensive guide on goal setting that covers topics such as SMART goals, commitment, and action planning. You can access their guide at:

2. The Balance Careers: The Balance Careers is a website that provides career-related advice and resources. They have a detailed article on setting career goals, including tips on prioritizing goals, creating an action plan, and staying motivated. You can read their article here:

3. University of Waterloo: The University of Waterloo offers a step-by-step guide on setting goals. Their approach emphasizes the importance of setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. You can check out their guide at:

4. Psychology Today: Psychology Today is a well-known publication that covers a wide range of topics, including personal and professional development. They have an article that explores various strategies for effective goal setting, including visualizing success, breaking goals into small steps, and tracking progress. You can find the article here:

Remember to combine the information from these resources with your own reflection and personal context to create a well-rounded approach to setting your goals.