Find two Web sites dealing with indigenous cultures and/or religions. Discuss how modern civilization has impacted the spiritual lives of the indigenous peoples you explored. Are the indigenous religions still being practiced today? If so, how have the practices changed over time? Post two Web site URLs in the thread along with your answers to the questions.

Indigenous to where??

As suggested by Fisher (2003) in Living Religions, consider the interrelatedness of everything in the cosmos as it is expressed in many indigenous religions. How do you think the importance of these relationships developed? What spiritual purpose do you think they serve for indigenous peoples?

Find two Web sites dealing with indigenous cultures and/or religions. Discuss how modern civilization has impacted the spiritual lives of the indigenous peoples you explored. Are the indigenous religions still being practiced today? If so, how have the practices changed over time? Post two Web site URLs in the thread along with your answers to the questions.

To find two websites dealing with indigenous cultures and/or religions, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by using a search engine like Google or Bing.
2. Enter relevant search terms such as "indigenous cultures websites" or "indigenous religions websites."
3. Explore the search results and choose two websites that provide information on the topic you are interested in.

Keep in mind that the availability and quality of websites may vary, so it's essential to evaluate the credibility and relevance of the sources you choose.

Regarding the impact of modern civilization on the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples and whether indigenous religions are still being practiced today, here is a brief discussion:

Website 1: National Museum of the American Indian (

The National Museum of the American Indian's website provides information about the indigenous cultures and religions of Native Americans. The website includes resources on various aspects, including spirituality, rituals, and religious beliefs. By exploring this website, you can gain insights into how modern civilization has affected the spiritual lives of Native Americans.

As for the indigenous religions' current practice, it is important to note that many indigenous cultures continue to practice their traditional beliefs and spirituality. However, the impact of modernization, colonization, and globalization has undoubtedly influenced these practices over time. This influence can be seen in the incorporation of elements from other religious traditions, adaptations to new environments, and changes in ritual practices.

Website 2: Cultural Survival (

Cultural Survival is an organization dedicated to advancing the rights of indigenous peoples globally. Their website offers information on indigenous cultures, including their spiritual practices, and highlights the ongoing challenges faced by these communities in preserving their traditions.

When it comes to the practice of indigenous religions today, it varies among different communities. Some have managed to maintain their traditional practices relatively intact, while others have undergone significant changes or have blended aspects of their traditional religions with other belief systems.

Remember, websites should be evaluated for accuracy, authority, and bias to ensure the information you gather is reliable and comprehensive.