How would one say in French "I can't believe it's been a year since I last saw you?"


Oh "Happy Day!" You've made my day with a foreign-language post! They are few and far between in the summer.

Je ne peux (puis) pas le croire! Il y a une année que je ne te/vous vois pas.

Using slang, you could also hear, in place of "Il y a" = Ça fait....."

Sra (aka Mme)

je n'arrive pas a croire que ca fait un an qu'on ne sait pas vu

To say "I can't believe it's been a year since I last saw you" in French, you can use the following translation:

"Je n'arrive pas à croire que cela fait un an depuis la dernière fois que je t'ai vu."

To form this sentence, here's the breakdown:

1. "I can't believe" is translated as "Je n'arrive pas à croire." This phrase is often used in French to express disbelief or astonishment.
2. "it's been" is translated as "cela fait." It refers to the passage of time.
3. "a year" is translated as "un an," which refers to a period of twelve months.
4. "since I last saw you" is translated as "depuis la dernière fois que je t'ai vu." In this phrase, "depuis" means "since," "la dernière fois" means "the last time," and "que je t'ai vu" means "I saw you."

It's important to note that in French, verbs need to agree with the subject. So, if you are addressing a female, you need to adjust some parts of the sentence. For example, "t'ai vu" would be changed to "t'ai vue" if you are addressing a female.

I hope this helps!