Writeacher, I forgot to take one of them out, in the cited page would i be able to just abbreviate Office for civil rights to OCR so it would match?

No, the abbreviation won't work. Simply use this for citation:

... (Office, 2003).

To determine whether you can abbreviate "Office for Civil Rights" as "OCR" and have it match the cited page, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Locate the cited page: Find the page you are referring to where the "Office for Civil Rights" is mentioned. This could be a webpage, document, or any other source.

2. Review the content: Read through the text on the cited page to see if the abbreviation "OCR" is used as a shortened form of "Office for Civil Rights." Check if the writer or author has introduced and used "OCR" as an abbreviation within the text.

3. Contextual relevance: Assess whether the use of "OCR" in the cited page aligns with the context and purpose of the original source. Consider if the abbreviation makes sense in the given context and represents the same entity or concept as "Office for Civil Rights."

4. Consistency throughout the document: Examine the entire document or source to determine if "OCR" is consistently used to represent "Office for Civil Rights" whenever it appears. It's important to ensure that the abbreviation is used consistently to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.

If, after following these steps, you find that "OCR" is indeed used and consistently represents "Office for Civil Rights" in the cited page, you can use the abbreviation in your writing to match the reference. However, it's always a good practice to double-check the citation guidelines or any specific requirements of the writing style you are using to ensure proper formatting and abbreviations.