Length of one Total # of # of

side of pattern triangular white
(in cm) Shapes used triang-
to make pattern ular
2 4 3
3 9 6
4 16 10
? ? ?
6 ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
20 ? ?

Number of gray triangular shapes used 1, 3,6,? ? ? ? ?

observation #1:

what happens when you square the numbers in the first column?

observation #2
in the third column:
second # - first # = ??
third # - second # = ??

observation #3

visualize billiard balls racked up

sum of balls after 1 row = 1
sum of balls after 2 rows = 3
sum of balls after 3 rows = 6

Ok Reiny i get that i have to square the 1st row to come up with the 2nd row, but i still don't get how i come up with the 3rd row?

2 4 3

3 9 6
4 16 10
? ? ?
6 ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
20 ? ?
Third column
6-3 = 3
10-6 = 4
15-5 = 5
21-15 = 6
28-21 = 7


To find the missing values in the table, we need to identify the patterns or relationships between the given values. Let's analyze each row of the table individually.

First Row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 2
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 4
Number of white triangular shapes used: 3

Second Row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 3
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 9
Number of white triangular shapes used: 6

Third Row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 4
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 16
Number of white triangular shapes used: 10

From these three rows, we can observe the following patterns:

1. The total number of triangular shapes used is equal to the square of the length of one side of the pattern. (total = side length squared)

2. The number of white triangular shapes used is less than the total number of triangular shapes used. It seems to increase by 2 with each increment in the length of one side of the pattern.

Based on these patterns, we can continue to fill in the missing values:

For the fourth row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 5
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 25 (5^2)
Number of white triangular shapes used: 14 (previous value + 2)

For the fifth row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 6
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 36 (6^2)
Number of white triangular shapes used: 18 (previous value + 2)

For the remaining rows, we can continue using the same patterns:

For the sixth row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 7
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 49 (7^2)
Number of white triangular shapes used: 22 (previous value + 2)

For the seventh row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 8
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 64 (8^2)
Number of white triangular shapes used: 26 (previous value + 2)

For the eighth row:
Length of one side of the pattern (in cm): 20
Total number of triangular shapes used to make the pattern: 400 (20^2)
Number of white triangular shapes used: 38 (previous value + 2)

Therefore, the missing values in the table would be as follows:

? 25 14
6 36 18
7 49 22
8 64 26
20 400 38

The sequence for the number of gray triangular shapes used would be:

1, 3, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26