Simplify: (-1-2i)+(4-6i)

I get 3-8i and 5-8i... confused, which one is it?

I get 3-8i

how did you get 5 - 8i ??

-1 + 4 = 3 not 5

3-8i is correct.

= -1-2i + 4-6i
= -1+4 -2i -6i
= 3 - 8i

I get confused with negatives sometimes! thanks though!!

To simplify the expression (-1-2i)+(4-6i), you need to combine the real and imaginary parts separately.

First, add the real parts, -1 and 4, which gives you 3: -1 + 4 = 3.

Next, add the imaginary parts, -2i and -6i. This results in -8i: -2i + (-6i) = -8i.

Putting it together, the simplified expression is 3 - 8i.

It seems you have two different answers in mind: 3-8i and 5-8i. However, the correct answer is 3-8i. It's possible that there was a calculation error or confusion in summing the real parts. Please double-check the addition of the real numbers to ensure accuracy.