describe some of the major foreign policy decisions of the Kennedy Years. How were they consistent with the policy of containment?

my answer so far:
One major decision was the Bay of Pigs. In the Bay of Pigs we basically tried to train Cubans to fight Castro, the ultimate goal was to overthrow Castro. However, that plan didn't work out well. On April 15th, CIA planes destroyed part of Fidel's air force. On April 16th, Kennedy called off the rest of the CIA mission (for unknown reasons). On April 17th, 1500 uban exiles landed in Cuba. Castro's arm fought them and defeated them.
Another major decision was the Cuban Missile Crisis: USSR was worried because the U.S. had missiles 150 miles away, US had more missiles than USSR, so they weren't happy. Cuba was friends with USSR, and afraid that the US, being 90 miles away would invade them, so they struck up a deal. USSR knew of a secret US plan to invade Cuba and was happy to protect it with missiles, so they started assembling them. Kennedy decided to create a blockade around Cuba.
Negotiations began between the US and USSR, USSR wanting the US to promise not to invade Cuba ever, and US wanted USSR to remove missiles. It worked out and there was no Nuclear War.

please don't give me links. if you can add to my answer, i would appreciate it.

What about the Vietnam War?

What about the nuclear test ban treaty?

i just had to name some,...

"How were they consistent with the policy of containment? "

thats what i need help with

What do you think the Vietnam War was about? What have you learned from your book?

The erection of the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain was a major effort to stop Western influence, and to rid Berlin of US power.

Kennedy's speech Ich bin ein Berliner was a major effort to boost Germany's morale, and was symbolic of the US standing against Russia.

Sure, I can add some information to your answer while explaining it.

In addition to the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, there were other major foreign policy decisions during the Kennedy years that were consistent with the policy of containment.

One such decision was the establishment of the Alliance for Progress. The Alliance for Progress was an economic aid program aimed at promoting social justice and development in Latin America. It was designed to counter the appeal of communism by offering economic assistance and opportunities for Latin American countries to improve the lives of their citizens. This policy was in line with containment because it sought to prevent the spread of communism by addressing the social and economic issues that could make countries vulnerable to communist influence.

Another major foreign policy decision during Kennedy's presidency was the initiation of the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps was a volunteer program that sent young Americans to developing countries to provide assistance in areas such as education, healthcare, and agriculture. This initiative aimed to foster goodwill and promote democratic values abroad. By helping other nations improve their social and economic conditions, the Peace Corps aimed to win hearts and minds and prevent the spread of communism.

Furthermore, Kennedy also emphasized the importance of military strength as part of the policy of containment. He increased defense spending, expanded the U.S. nuclear arsenal, and focused on developing a flexible response strategy to address communist threats. This approach of maintaining a strong military presence and capability was in line with the containment policy, as it aimed to deter potential aggressors and protect U.S. interests around the world.

Overall, the major foreign policy decisions of the Kennedy years were consistent with the policy of containment by combining military strength, economic assistance, and diplomatic efforts to prevent the spread of communism and promote democratic values.