What is the two subheadings within the Cardiovascular System subsection?

To find the two subheadings within the Cardiovascular System subsection, you can start by accessing a reliable source of information. One common and trusted source is a medical textbook or an authoritative website such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Step 1: Open a web browser and go to the NIH website (https://www.nih.gov/) or any other reliable medical source.

Step 2: Use the search function on the website to search for "Cardiovascular System."

Step 3: Look for the subsection called "Cardiovascular System" or a similar term within the search results. Click on the link to access the specific section.

Step 4: Once you are in the Cardiovascular System subsection, scan the content for subheadings or headings. Look for bolded or larger font text that indicates a separate section within the subsection.

Step 5: Identify and take note of the two subheadings that are present within the Cardiovascular System subsection.

Remember that the specific subheadings may vary depending on the source you are using, as different textbooks or websites might divide the information differently.