Can you give an example of "framing" from the present week's news? What words or images are used to "set" the frame?

I assume this is what you mean by "framing."

I suggest you look into the news about Iran.

The first headline that hit me was "Fight Between Classes."

Thanks for your help!

You're welcome, Jamie.

Certainly! "Framing" refers to the way news stories are presented or portrayed by emphasizing certain aspects or perspectives. To find an example from the present week's news, you can follow these steps:

1. Stay updated: Regularly check news sources from reputable outlets such as newspapers, TV news channels, or their websites.

2. Look for analysis or opinion pieces: These articles often discuss the framing of news stories explicitly, providing insights into the way the narrative is constructed.

3. Pay attention to news headlines, subheadings, and opening paragraphs: They often reveal the intended frame by highlighting specific details, using particular adjectives, or presenting a certain point of view.

4. Analyze accompanying images or videos: Visual components play a significant role in shaping the frame. Analyze the featured images or videos, observing the emotions, actions, or settings portrayed.

Remember, framing can vary depending on the news source's perspective, so it's essential to consult multiple sources for a comprehensive understanding.