Can someone help me with this problem? Evaluate the numerical expression on a calculator. Round the answer to the nearest whole number.

( 34*15) (364)
-------- * ----
(5) (52)

Here is what I figured:

(510) (364)
-------- * -----
(5) (52)

= (185640)
------- = 700 estimated

To evaluate this numerical expression on a calculator, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the numerator:
Multiply 34 by 15: 34 * 15 = 510.

Step 2: Calculate the denominator:
Multiply 364 by 52: 364 * 52 = 18,928.

Step 3: Divide the numerator by the denominator:
Divide 510 by 18,928: 510 / 18,928 ≈ 0.0269 (rounded to four decimal places).

Step 4: Round the answer to the nearest whole number:
To round 0.0269 to the nearest whole number, you can use the rounding rule: if the decimal part is 0.5 or greater, round up; if it is less than 0.5, round down.

0.0269 rounded to the nearest whole number is 0. Therefore, the rounded answer is 0.

So, the evaluated numerical expression, rounded to the nearest whole number, is 0.