Identify internal and/or external rewards that impact recruitment and retention of quality teachers. How do such rewards influence recruitment or retention? How might these rewards shift as new accountability-centered teacher reforms are proposed (such as merit pay and competency testing)?

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To identify internal and/or external rewards that impact the recruitment and retention of quality teachers, we can look at various factors that influence teachers' decision-making. Internal rewards are typically related to job satisfaction and the intrinsic motivations associated with teaching, while external rewards are usually tangible incentives provided by the school or the education system.

Internal rewards that impact recruitment and retention:

1. Sense of Purpose: The opportunity to positively influence students' lives and make a difference in society can be a powerful internal motivator for teachers.

2. Professional Development: Teachers may be motivated by opportunities for growth, such as access to training programs, workshops, and conferences that enhance their skills and knowledge.

3. Autonomy and Empowerment: Teachers value the freedom to design their own lessons and encourage student creativity. Feeling empowered in decision-making can lead to higher job satisfaction.

External rewards that impact recruitment and retention:

1. Competitive Salary: A competitive salary is crucial to attracting and retaining quality teachers. It ensures financial security and recognizes the value of their work.

2. Benefits and Compensation: Comprehensive benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave, are attractive incentives for teachers.

3. Job Security: Teachers often seek stability and job security. Tenure systems or long-term contracts can provide this assurance.

4. Supportive Leadership: Positive relationships with school leaders, such as supportive principals and administrators, can greatly influence recruitment and retention rates.

How rewards influence recruitment or retention:

- Recruitment: Attractive rewards, both internal and external, can help schools attract high-quality teachers by highlighting the benefits and providing incentives to join the staff.

- Retention: Once recruited, rewards contribute to teacher satisfaction and motivation, reducing turnover rates. Satisfied teachers are more likely to remain in their positions for longer durations.

Shifts in rewards with accountability-centered reforms:

When accountability-centered teacher reforms, such as merit pay and competency testing, are proposed, the rewards landscape may undergo changes.

1. Merit Pay: By linking financial incentives to teacher performance, merit pay can serve as an external reward. It may influence recruitment by attracting high-performing candidates, but it could also impact retention as teachers perceive the evaluation and reward systems as fair and transparent.

2. Competency Testing: The introduction of competency testing as a measure of teacher effectiveness can alter the rewards structure. Teachers who perform well on these tests may be rewarded with recognition, career advancement, or higher salaries, thus affecting both recruitment and retention.

It's worth noting that the impact of these reforms on recruitment and retention will depend on how well they are implemented, whether they are perceived as fair, and the overall support and resources provided to teachers alongside these changes.