Change the following sentence from Active voice to Passive voice:

1. The teacher shouted at the learners when thy did not do their homework.
2. The thief stole a watch from the shop.
3. The soccer player dribbled the ball.

All these sentences are in active voice because the subject is DOING the action:

teacher shouted
thief stole
player dribbled

To make them passive, you have to turn the sentence around, in a way. Here are a couple of pairs of active/passive sentences so you can see the difference:

John ate the hamburger. (active)
The hamburger was eaten by John. (passive)

Lily hit the softball. (active)
The softball was hit by Lily. (passive)

What do you think?

To change the sentences from active voice to passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject, verb, and object of the sentence.
2. Move the object to the beginning of the sentence.
3. Use the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb "to be" followed by the past participle of the main verb.
4. Add the preposition "by" (optional) followed by the new subject (the doer of the action).

Here are the changes:

1. The learners were shouted at by the teacher when their homework was not done.
- Subject: The teacher
- Verb: shouted
- Object: the learners
- Passive: The learners were shouted at (by the teacher)
- Note: "when they did not do their homework" becomes "when their homework was not done."

2. A watch was stolen from the shop by the thief.
- Subject: The thief
- Verb: stole
- Object: a watch
- Passive: A watch was stolen (by the thief)
- Note: The preposition "from the shop" remains the same.

3. The ball was dribbled by the soccer player.
- Subject: The soccer player
- Verb: dribbled
- Object: the ball
- Passive: The ball was dribbled (by the soccer player)

Remember that not every active sentence can be changed to passive voice. Some factors include the presence of a direct object, transitive vs. intransitive verbs, and the overall structure of the sentence.