Outline the following achievement for Walter Raleigh i've got:

Walter Raleigh was Gilbert's half brother who tried to set up a colony farther south. He named the colony Virginia after Elizabeth. H eintroduced tobacco into England.

is this good?

Just one typo = H eintroduced = He introduced (spelling)


okay, thanks but overall do you think it is good?


Yes, your outline provides a good summary of Walter Raleigh's achievement. To expand on it further, you can provide more details about each point:

1. Walter Raleigh being Gilbert's half-brother: Walter Raleigh's connection to Gilbert is important to understand his involvement in colonization efforts. They were related, and this relationship likely influenced Raleigh's interest in exploration and settlement.

2. Attempting to set up a colony farther south: Raleigh made several attempts to establish English colonies in North America. In 1585, he sponsored the Roanoke Colony on the eastern coast of present-day North Carolina. This colony was intended to serve as a base for privateering and trade expeditions.

3. Naming the colony Virginia: Raleigh named the colony Virginia in honor of Queen Elizabeth I, often referred to as the "Virgin Queen." This choice of name was a display of loyalty and a way to gain royal favor.

4. Introduction of tobacco into England: One of the notable contributions of Raleigh was the introduction of tobacco into England. During his expeditions to America, he encountered Native Americans who were already cultivating and smoking tobacco. Raleigh recognized its potential as a cash crop and brought tobacco seeds back to England. This act played a significant role in popularizing tobacco use in Europe.

By expanding upon these points, you can provide a more comprehensive explanation of Walter Raleigh's achievement within the context of colonization and the introduction of tobacco.