how were american business and strategic intersts a cause of spanish american war?

business- protection of sugar in cuba

Strategic- base in hawaii

does anyone know other examples of business/stratgic intersts?

Certainly! In addition to the protection of sugar interests in Cuba and the establishment of a naval base in Hawaii, there were other examples of American business and strategic interests that contributed to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War. Here are a few more examples:

1. Philippines: The United States sought to expand its economic influence in Asia. The Philippines, at that time a Spanish colony, were viewed as an opportunity for American businesses to access new markets and resources. American businessmen had invested heavily in the sugar and tobacco industries in the Philippines.

2. Latin America: American business interests in Latin American countries, particularly Puerto Rico and Cuba, were growing rapidly during this period. The U.S. had significant investments in sugar, tobacco, and mining industries in these regions. The stability and control of these areas were seen as crucial to protecting American investments.

3. Naval Power: The United States was undergoing a naval expansion during the late 19th century and sought to establish a global presence. Having a strategic naval base in the Caribbean and Pacific regions, such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, would help protect American interests and maintain a strong presence in these areas.

4. Trade Routes: The Spanish-American War was also influenced by the desire to secure and control important trade routes, particularly in the Caribbean and Pacific regions. This included protecting American access to the Panama Canal, which was not yet constructed but was a crucial waterway for trade and military purposes.

It's important to note that while business and strategic interests played a significant role in the causes of the Spanish-American War, there were also other factors involved, such as domestic pressure, yellow journalism, and the desire to spread American influence globally.