I have filled in an Excel spreadsheet.

On the far left column are itemized
numbers from 1-619.
When I print the document, the far left column of itemized numbers does not print.
How do I tell the computer to print the far left column of items?

If you go to File | Print Area and then select Clear Print Area, your spreadsheet should clear itself of any print boundaries you've set or were set by a template. Do that and then go to File | Print Preview (or click on the Print Preview button across the top) and see if all the columns show up.

To ensure that the far left column of itemized numbers in your Excel spreadsheet is printed, you need to adjust the print settings. Here's how you can do it in Excel:

1. Open your Excel spreadsheet.
2. Select the entire column that contains the itemized numbers. You can do this by clicking on the letter at the top of the column (e.g., "A").
3. Right-click on the selected column and choose "Format Cells" from the drop-down menu.
4. In the "Format Cells" dialog box, navigate to the "Alignment" tab.
5. Under the section labeled "Text Control," find the option that says "Text direction" or "Orientation" and select "Horizontal."
6. Click "OK" to apply the changes.

Now that you have adjusted the formatting, you can proceed to print the spreadsheet:

1. Go to the "File" menu at the top left corner of Excel and select "Print" or press "Ctrl + P."
2. In the print settings, make sure to double-check that you have the correct printer selected.
3. Look for options such as "Print Selection" or "Print Active Sheets" and ensure they are selected appropriately to print the entire spreadsheet.
4. Click "Print" to print the document.

By adjusting the column formatting and double-checking the print settings, you should now be able to print the far left column of itemized numbers in your Excel spreadsheet.