Use substitution to determine whether the ordered pair (–2, –3) is a solution of the equation x^2 – y = 7

I say no, but am still not sure because the signs are confusing. Am I correct? Thanks!

let's see if the point satisfies the equation

Left Side
= x^2 - y
= (-2)^2 - (-3)
= 4 + 3
= 7

Right Side = 7


I guess this makes sense but I got -1 for the answer. Did I confuse the signs?

Yes. You confused the signs. Perhaps you thought that -2^2 was -4. But when you multiply two negative numbers, the answer must be positive.

To determine whether the ordered pair (–2, –3) is a solution of the equation x^2 – y = 7, we can use substitution. Substitution involves replacing the variables in the equation with the corresponding values from the ordered pair and checking if the equation holds true.

Let's substitute x = -2 and y = -3 into the equation x^2 - y = 7:

(-2)^2 - (-3) = 7


4 + 3 = 7

7 = 7

Since both sides of the equation are equal, we can conclude that the ordered pair (-2, -3) is indeed a solution of the equation x^2 - y = 7.

Therefore, the answer is yes, the ordered pair (–2, –3) is a solution of the equation x^2 – y = 7.