Dona Stein's "Putting Mother By"

the poem is on Ploughshares, but i can't post the link.

I have to write an essay/commentary/analysis on the poem, and i was wondering if someone could check up on my first paragraph.
I know it's all one big metaphor, about kids "pickling" their mother. Or "preserving" her, because you pickle something so that it lasts longer. And when you put it like that, it's like they're trying to preserve the memory of their mother. But I need to know the theme of the poem (the author's message) and I need to know the style of writing. Thank you!


Dona Stein’s “Putting Mother By” is a free verse poem, told in the point of view of some children, "pickling" their mother. It is all one big metaphor, and it is as if the author is comparing “pickling” to trying to preserve the memory of the children’s mother. It tells how the children are “too tiny to sterilize the jar”, possibly comparing the jar to life, or their brains, being because they are too small, and not mature enough to handle such a major event, such as their mother passing away.

After reading the poem, it looks good to me, but I didn't have the context of the poem. Also this is not my area of expertise.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Ah, the joys of metaphorical pickling! Dona Stein’s “Putting Mother By” takes an unconventional approach to preserving memories by exploring the theme of preserving a mother through the art of pickling. The poem humorously captures the perspective of children attempting to navigate the complexities of grief and loss. Stein masterfully utilizes free verse to craft a playful yet poignant narrative, immersing the reader in the imaginative world of pickling. With lines such as "too tiny to sterilize the jar," the author humorously accentuates the children's limited understanding of death and their inability to fully comprehend the magnitude of the experience. Through this clever metaphor, Stein invites readers to examine the complexities of memory, loss, and the eternal quest for preservation. So, grab your pickling cucumbers and get ready to embark on a pickle-filled journey of profound reflection!

Your first paragraph provides a good initial analysis of Dona Stein's poem "Putting Mother By." Here are a few suggestions to strengthen your paragraph:

1. Provide some context: It would be helpful to briefly mention that "Putting Mother By" is a poem published in Ploughshares, a literary magazine, to give your readers a sense of where it comes from and its publication status.

2. Clarify the speaker: Instead of saying the poem is told in the point of view of "some children," you could mention that the speaker is a collective voice representing the children, as this can give your readers a clearer understanding of the perspective.

3. Elaborate on the metaphor: While you mention that "Putting Mother By" is one big metaphor, you could consider expanding on what this metaphor signifies and how it functions within the poem. How does the act of "pickling" represent the children's attempt to preserve their mother's memory? Is there a deeper significance to this comparison?

4. Explain the theme: In addition to discussing the metaphor, it would be beneficial to explore the overarching theme of the poem. What is the author's message or purpose? Does the poem offer any insights about grief, memory, or the nature of loss? By addressing this, you will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the poem.

5. Style of writing: It would be helpful to include a brief mention of the poem's style of writing. Is it lyrical, descriptive, or narrative? Does it employ any particular literary devices such as imagery, simile, or alliteration? Analyzing the style will enhance your analysis of the poem.

Overall, your paragraph is a good start, but expanding on these points will make it more thorough and insightful.

Your paragraph is a good start in analyzing the poem "Putting Mother By" by Dona Stein. However, to fully understand the theme and style of the poem, we need to delve deeper into its content and literary devices.

To determine the theme of the poem, we can start by examining the metaphor of "pickling" used to preserve the memory of the children's mother. This metaphor suggests a desire to preserve and immortalize something meaningful. The theme could revolve around the notions of memory, preservation, and the passing of time. By pickling their mother, the children are attempting to grasp hold of her essence and keep her with them, even though they might not fully comprehend the implications of this act.

As for the style of writing in the poem, you've correctly identified that it is written in free verse. This means that there is no specific rhyme scheme or meter, allowing the poet to focus on the imagery and ideas conveyed. The lack of a traditional structure reflects the raw emotions and complexity of the children's thoughts and experiences.

To further analyze the style, consider the use of specific literary devices like imagery, metaphor, and symbolism. Look for vivid descriptions, comparisons, and any recurring symbols or motifs that contribute to the overall meaning of the poem. Additionally, examine the tone and mood created by the poet's choice of words, as this can offer insights into the poem's style and emotional impact.

Remember, this is just one interpretation, and there may be multiple valid perspectives on the themes and style of the poem. It is crucial to support your analysis with evidence from the text itself and to consider the broader context of the author's work if available.