"Tengo que preparar mucho comida para la fiesta de mañana. ¿Qué debo hacer?" "Bueno, sugiero que les _____ ayuda a tus hijos."

a. pidas
b. pides
c. pido
d. pidan

I think it's either A or B

Sugiero que = I suggest that you..... This requires the Subjunctive, because you will never know if the suggestion is taken or not. Look in that crystal ball. I have no idea whether you will do this or not.

a. is the Subjunctive of "pedir."


To determine the correct answer, we can look at the context of the sentence. The speaker wants to suggest something for "you" to do. In Spanish, the verb should match the subject, "tú" (you).

The correct verb form to use in this context is the command form in the second-person singular, which ends in "-s".

Option "a. pidas" is the correct form in this case. It is the command form of the verb "pedir" (to ask/request) conjugated for "tú": "pides".

Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. pidas

You should say, "Bueno, sugiero que les pidas ayuda a tus hijos." (Well, I suggest that you ask for help from your children.)