1. Don't play too much computer games.

2. Don't play too many computer games.

(Do we have to use 'much' or 'many'?)

I don't think either of these sentences is what you mean.

Consider these uses of "much:"

Don't eat too much.
Don't think too much about the consequences.
Don't drink too much or you might get sick.

However, the word "many" means that you're counting individual items.

Don't eat too many cookies.
Don't invite too many people to the party or there might not be enough food.

For your computer game sentence, it would be better to say:

Don't spend too much time playing computer games.

Thank you for your explanation.

Then which one is correct, #1 or #2?

1. Don't play too much computer games.
2. Don't play too many computer games.

I don't like either sentence.

But probably the first one is better.

The choice between "much" and "many" depends on whether you are referring to an uncountable noun or a countable noun.

In the first sentence, "Don't play too much computer games," the noun "computer games" is countable. This means that it refers to a specific, individual item that can be counted. Therefore, the correct form should be "many" instead of "much."

In the second sentence, "Don't play too many computer games," the noun "computer games" is still countable, so "many" is the correct form.

To determine whether to use "much" or "many," you can ask yourself if the noun can be pluralized or if it can be preceded by a number. If it can, then you should use "many." If not, you should use "much."

Corrected sentences:
1. Don't play too many computer games.
2. Don't play too many computer games.