which one is correct Please send an invitation to Bob and she or Please send an invitation to Bob and her.

The second one is correct -- to Bob and her.

Think of it this way --

Drop the "Bob and."

Would you say, "Send an invitation to she" or "Send an invitation to her"?

I would say send an invitation to her to make it make sense so people would understand what you're saying.

The correct sentence is "Please send an invitation to Bob and her."

To determine the correct pronoun to use, we need to consider the function of the pronoun in the sentence.

In this case, the pronoun is being used as the object of the preposition "to." When referring to multiple people, the objective pronoun "her" is used.

To break it down:

- "Her" is the objective form of the pronoun "she."
- "She" is the subjective form, used for the subject of a sentence.
- "Her" is used for the object of a verb or a preposition.

So, in this case, since the pronoun is the object of the preposition "to," we use "her" instead of "she."

Therefore, the correct sentence is "Please send an invitation to Bob and her."