China under th Han dynasty and the Roman Empire were similar in that both grew wealthy because they.....

-developed extenive trade networks
-encouraged democratic ideals
-established free-market economies
-created classless societies

Right. The way to get rich is to trade with others.

is it developed extensive trade networks?

they developed extensive trade routes. you’re welcome

i am such a big blonde when it comes to global....ik its deff not encouraged democratic ideals

What does your book say about democratic ideals in the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire?


thank you!!

hey, remember that God sent His only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. And because sin separates us from God we have to ask for forgiveness. Hell won't be a party it will be forever pain. Please give your life to God until it's too late. Heaven is the complete opposite of hell.

Only one answer makes sense. Think about it.