I am supposed to tell whether it is Transitive or Intransitive.

(1.The children play checkers.

The verb is play. Do you think its transitive or intransitive? Why?

I don't know?


A transitive verb carries action from the subject to the object. Transitive verbs always have an object -- a word that answers "What?" or "Whom?" after the verb. Examples of sentences with transitive verbs. The verbs are in bold face. The objects are underlined.

Joe hit the ball out of the park.

Mrs. Smythe told a story.

Our family has never seen Grand Canyon National Park

Intransitive verbs do not have objects. Examples:

The dog ran away.

Teachers work hard.

His brother enlisted in the Navy.

Now -- what do you think?

Hint... think of the "trans" in transitive. That means to move something across. trans-port, transfer, transact, transfigure, etc.

So the action moves from the subject to something else.

Subject -action-> noun.

To determine whether the sentence is transitive or intransitive, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: In this sentence, the verb is "play."

2. Determine if the verb takes a direct object: A transitive verb requires a direct object to complete its meaning, while an intransitive verb does not need one. To find the direct object, ask yourself "what" or "whom" after the verb. In this case, you can ask "what do the children play?" The answer is "checkers," which is a noun.

3. Analyze the results: If you found a direct object, then the verb is transitive. If you did not find a direct object, then the verb is intransitive.

In the given sentence, since the verb "play" has a direct object (checkers), the sentence is transitive.