i have to write an essay on the following topic.Please Help.

Examine carefully the similarities and differences between the two young men who love Juliet
(Romeo & Juliet)

As you reread the play, take notes on both Paris and Romeo. Use different colored highlighters to mark the similarities and differences.

These sites should also help you.





You're welcome. Now -- go get an A! :-)

To write an essay comparing the two young men who love Juliet in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," you'll need to conduct a close analysis of their characters and their actions in the play. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you gather the necessary information and structure your essay effectively:

1. Read the play: Start by reading or rereading "Romeo and Juliet" to familiarize yourself with the characters' traits, actions, and dialogue. Pay specific attention to Romeo and Paris, the two young men who love Juliet.

2. Make a character chart: Create a chart or table to record the similarities and differences between Romeo and Paris. Include categories like appearance, love for Juliet, actions, relationships with other characters, and motivations.

3. Identify similarities: Begin by noting any similarities between the two young men. Common qualities may include their age, social status, and involvement in the feud between their families (Montagues and Capulets).

4. Analyze their love for Juliet: Examine their respective relationships with Juliet. Consider how Romeo and Paris express their love, their understanding of love, and their intentions towards Juliet. Take note of any similarities or differences in their emotions or behaviors.

5. Study their actions: Look closely at the actions of both Romeo and Paris throughout the play. Analyze how their actions align or contrast with their professed love for Juliet. Consider their involvement in conflicts, their decisions, and the sacrifices they make for love.

6. Explore their relationships with other characters: Analyze how Romeo and Paris interact with other characters in the play. Examine their relationships with Juliet's family, specifically Lord and Lady Capulet, as well as their friendships and interactions with other supporting characters.

7. Examine their motivations: Delve into the motivations behind Romeo and Paris's love for Juliet. Consider their personal desires, ambitions, and the external factors that may influence their actions and decisions.

8. Compare their outcomes: Finally, compare the ultimate outcomes for Romeo and Paris in relation to their love for Juliet. Analyze how their actions and choices shape the course of the story and the consequences they face.

9. Structure your essay: Organize your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your introduction should provide context and present the main argument or thesis statement. Each body paragraph should focus on specific points of comparison, supported by evidence and examples from the play. Conclude your essay by summarizing your findings and highlighting the most significant similarities and differences.

Remember to support your arguments with evidence from the play and use direct quotes to back up your analysis. Additionally, make sure to proofread your essay for clarity, coherence, and proper grammar.

Good luck with your essay!