Please help me to fill 2 gaps in this text (In other words, I need to replace each number with the corresponding word). I appreciate any help, thanks!

Use all the communication skills you have to get the best response
from your boss. Use the most ..1.. methods you can in dealing with
your boss. Come out of the meeting with a plan of action. Set a date
for another conference, and make these meetings seem like business as
usual. If you call a meeting only when something breaks..2.., you’ll
be seen as a complainer.

What are the words used in your text that would complete these sentences?

I can think of many words -- but they may not be the ones your teacher wants.

I don't know what exactly you mean. This is the full text:

If you’re having problems with a difficult boss, first of all you need to talk to him/ her. He/ She may not know you are having trouble. By putting on such a meeting while bottling up your feelings, you could be taken for an irrational person when you finally confront him/ her. No one, out of all management, wants to listen to hysterical complaints.
Before you speak to your supervisor, prepare your approach. Make sure your requests are valid. For example, if you want a bigger office, find out whether one is actually available. Are your expectations realistic? Try to anticipate any objections your boss may bring up for discussion. Think positive. Go to the meeting in your mind and anticipate how your boss will react. Plan how you’ll deal with negative responses, so you can maintain a positive attitude overall.
Be very specific about what you want. For example, ‘better communication’ is not a clear objective. neither is merely wanting a raise. If you ask for a raise and your boss says yes, you may wind up with $1.50 more a week. A little background is probably necessary to frame your problem, but don’t get carried away with long-winded speeches.
Use all the communication skills you have to get the best response from your boss.
Use the most ..13.. methods you can in dealing with your boss.
Come out of the meeting with a plan of action. Set a date for another conference, and make these meetings seem like business as usual. If you call a meeting only when something breaks..14.., you’ll be seen as a complainer.

I don't know what I need to put at ..13.. and ..14.. I appreciate any help! thanks!

Thanks for posting the complete text passage.

Perhaps for 13 -- positive

For 14 -- down??

Sure! I can help you fill in the gaps in the text.

1. The first gap can be filled with the word "effective".
Explanation: The sentence suggests using the most effective methods to deal with your boss, meaning the methods that are likely to yield the best results.

2. The second gap can be filled with the word "down".
Explanation: The sentence implies that if you only call a meeting when something breaks down or goes wrong, you will be seen as a complainer.