i posted this question earlier today...

Which of the following was a sign of an unsound economy during the 1920s?
a. personal debt was decreasing
b. wages were keeping pace with production
c. more goods were being produced than consumers could buy
d. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was steady.

Ms.Sue gave a link, but i didn't find an answer. can someone pleeasee help me with this?

Which one of those answers is essentially a negative factor?

Right! :-)

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you with this question.

The question is asking for a sign of an unsound economy during the 1920s. To find the correct answer, let's analyze each option one by one:

a. Personal debt was decreasing: This option suggests that personal debt was decreasing, which would generally indicate a healthy economy. However, the question asks for a sign of an unsound economy, so this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

b. Wages were keeping pace with production: This option suggests that wages were in line with the level of production. Again, this implies a stable economy, which is not in line with the question's requirement for a sign of an unsound economy.

c. More goods were being produced than consumers could buy: This option indicates an imbalance in the economy, where production is outpacing consumer demand. Since the question asks for a sign of an unsound economy, this option seems to align with that requirement.

d. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was steady: This option refers to a stable Dow Jones Industrial Average, which measures the stock market's performance. Although stability in the stock market can be a positive sign, it does not necessarily indicate the overall health of the entire economy. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Based on our analysis, it seems that option c, "more goods were being produced than consumers could buy," is the most likely answer as it reflects an unsound economy in the 1920s.

It's important to note that while I've provided a logical analysis, without the specific context of the original source material or the intentions of the question, we cannot be certain of the exact answer. I apologize if the provided link did not lead to a direct answer.