
That can be factored, by dividing each term by 4a. You will end up with

4a(b -2c + 3d).
You did not specify what you are supposed to "do" with either expression.

To simplify the expression 4ab - 8ac + 12ad, you can factor out the common term (the greatest common factor) from each term. In this case, the common factor is 4a, so you can rewrite the expression as:

4a(b - 2c + 3d)

The expression you provided is 4ab - 8ac + 12ad. It seems to be a simplified algebraic expression with terms involving variables a, b, and c. To evaluate or simplify this expression further, we need additional information about the values of a, b, and c.

If you want to factor out the common variables, we can do that. The common factor among the terms is "4a". To factor that out, we can write:

4ab - 8ac + 12ad
= 4a(b - 2c + 3d)

Now, the expression is factored with the common factor 4a. If you are looking for further simplification, you may need specific values for variables a, b, and c, and then substitute those values into the expression. This will give you a numerical value for the expression.