what imapct has technology had on our society

This is question that I feel that you can answer on your own. View it on how it has changed our society and the types and uses of technology that people now have available to them. Everyone has their own opinions towards this

How can you ask this when you sit at your computer and send this message instantly on the Internet?

How is your family's life different than it was 30 years ago?

Consider that 30 years ago people --
* went to the library and read books and journals to do research
* used landline phones to talk with their friends
* listened to music on phonograph records
* typed on typewriters
* calculated complex math problems with primitive calculators
* played board games, not computer games
* didn't have the wealth of technological medical diagnosis equipment
* worked at manufacturing jobs
* used non-computerized cash registers
* made copies of documents on mimeographs
and so on --

The impact includes
* much more money spent on computer upgrades, software, and printer cartridges
* people working at home, using email, instant messages and Skype
* less face-to-face interaction with others
* loss of jobs


The impact of technology on society has been significant and wide-ranging. Here are a few key areas in which technology has made a substantial impact:

1. Communication: Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate with one another. From the invention of the telephone to the rise of social media platforms, communication has become faster, more efficient, and globally accessible.

To understand the impact, you can explore the history and advancements in communication technologies, such as the invention of the telegraph, telephone, email, and social media, and how they have changed the way people connect, share information, and collaborate.

2. Information access: Technology has made information more accessible than ever before. The internet has become a vast repository of knowledge, allowing people to access information, research, and learn about any topic from anywhere at any time.

To understand the impact, you can explore the development and growth of the internet, search engines, and online platforms that provide access to information. You can also study the democratization of knowledge and the implications it has on education, research, and decision-making processes.

3. Automation and productivity: Technology has automated numerous processes, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in various industries. Tasks that were once time-consuming or required manual labor can now be automated using advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics.

To understand the impact, you can explore the evolution of automation technologies and their applications in industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, transportation, and customer service. You can also study the effects of automation on employment, job roles, and the economy.

4. Globalization: Technology has facilitated globalization by connecting people, businesses, and cultures across the globe. It has enabled international trade, collaboration, and cultural exchange on an unprecedented scale.

To understand the impact, you can explore how technology has facilitated the growth of e-commerce, international communication and collaboration tools, virtual meetings, and remote work. You can also study the effects of globalization on economies, cultures, and social dynamics.

These are just a few examples of the impact of technology on society. To understand the broader implications, it is essential to explore specific technologies, historical advancements, and ongoing research in various fields.