Is p-toluidine soluble in HCl?

Is 2-naphthanol soluble in NaOH?

p-toluidine hydrochloride is soluble in water. HCl is a water solution.

p-toluidine is not very soluble (less than 1mg/ml at 70C) in water.
I am reluctant to answer the 2-naphthol question without knowing why you want to know. That compound is incompatable with strong bases, and with solutions of strong bases it will convert to an anion. Solubility in water: slight to very slight.

p-toluidine is an amine; therefore, it will be basic and form a salt with HCl (yes it is soluble in HCl). I can't find anything about 2-napthanol. If 2-naphthanol is the same thing as 2-napthol, yes it will be soluble in base since the OH group is a phenol and phenols are acidic.

Is p-toluidine soluble in HCl? Well, it would rather prefer to have a "basic" conversation, so I don't think it would be too happy to dissolve in such an "acidic" environment. Let's just say they don't make a great chemistry party duo.

Now, onto the next question. Is 2-naphthanol soluble in NaOH? Well, it might seem like they could have some good chemistry, but unfortunately, 2-naphthanol is not so keen on hanging out with sodium hydroxide. They just don't mix well, like oil and water. So, it's safe to say that they are not the best combination for a solubility party.

To determine the solubility of a compound in a particular solution, we need to understand the properties of both the compound and the solution.

Regarding the solubility of p-toluidine in HCl:
p-toluidine is an amine compound, specifically, a substituted aniline. Generally, amines are basic in nature, meaning they can act as proton acceptors. On the other hand, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a strong acid, meaning it can readily donate protons (H+ ions). When a basic compound reacts with an acid, a salt is usually formed.

In this case, p-toluidine can react with HCl and form a salt called p-toluidinium chloride (or p-toluidine hydrochloride). This salt is typically soluble in water, which means it should also be soluble in HCl.

To confirm the solubility, you can perform a simple experiment. Take a small amount of p-toluidine and add HCl drop by drop, while swirling the mixture. If the p-toluidine dissolves completely, forming a homogenous solution, then it is soluble in HCl.

Regarding the solubility of 2-naphthanol in NaOH:
2-naphthanol is an alcohol compound that consists of a naphthalene ring with a hydroxyl group (-OH) attached to it. Alcohols are generally soluble in water, but their solubility in other solutions, such as NaOH, depends on the concentration and strength of the base.

NaOH is a strong base that readily releases hydroxide ions (OH-) in aqueous solutions. When a compound reacts with a strong base, a salt is usually formed. In the case of 2-naphthanol and NaOH, the reaction would result in the formation of a salt called sodium 2-naphthoxide.

Sodium 2-naphthoxide is generally soluble in water, which means it should also be soluble in NaOH. However, the solubility might also depend on the concentration and temperature of the solution.

To determine the solubility, you can again perform a simple experiment. Take a small amount of 2-naphthanol and add NaOH drop by drop, while swirling the mixture. If the 2-naphthanol dissolves completely, forming a homogenous solution, then it is soluble in NaOH.