as the drams antigone develops, is antigone presented as justified or not?

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To analyze whether Antigone is presented as justified or not as the drama unfolds in the play "Antigone" by Sophocles, one needs to closely examine the text and interpret the actions, motivations, and consequences of the characters. Here's how you can explore this question:

1. Read the Play: Start by reading or rereading the play "Antigone" by Sophocles. Take note of key plot points, character interactions, and the overall context of the story.

2. Understand Antigone's Actions: Antigone is the protagonist who defies the king's law to give her deceased brother Polynices a proper burial. Assess her motives, beliefs, and the argument she presents to Creon about her actions. Pay attention to her determination and conviction, which are instrumental in understanding her character.

3. Analyze the Conflict: Evaluate the conflict between Antigone and Creon. Consider Creon's perspective as the king who enforces the law and his reasons for imposing a penalty for Polynices' burial. Look at how their conflicting ideologies and personal motives shape the narrative.

4. Examine Supporting Characters: Look at the reactions and alliances of other characters within the play. Consider how Ismene, Haemon, and the Chorus respond to the actions of Antigone and Creon. Analyze their arguments, advice, and the impact they have on the overall portrayal of Antigone's justification.

5. Evaluate Moral and Ethical Themes: Explore the broader moral and ethical themes raised in the play, such as the conflict between individual conscience and state law, loyalty, justice, and the consequences of one's actions. Consider how these themes shape the understanding of Antigone's actions.

6. Consider the Outcome: Assess the consequences of Antigone's choices and actions as the play progresses. Reflect on the impact they have on her, Creon, and the society depicted in the play. Think about whether these consequences help justify or challenge Antigone's actions.

By engaging in this analytical process, you can form an informed opinion about whether Antigone is presented as justified or not as the drama unfolds in "Antigone" by Sophocles. Remember that interpretations may vary, so it is important to support your analysis with evidence from the text.