define quaerendum

Have you looked the word up in a good Latin-English dictionary? There are also fairly decent ones online, although the print dictionaries are still the best for Latin.
This one is adequate.

You should find quaero as the basis of the verb.

In addition, if you have studied gerunds, you know that any verb form with -end- in it is a gerund, and will be translated into English with an -ing ending.

So ... what do you think the word means?

The term "quaerendum" is a Latin word derived from the verb "quaerere," which means "to ask" or "to seek." In Latin, "quaerendum" can be understood as a noun form meaning "the thing that is to be sought." It is often used to refer to a question, inquiry, or problem that requires an answer or resolution.

If you come across the term "quaerendum" and are unsure of its meaning, you can use various methods to find the definition:

1. Online Search: You can search for the word "quaerendum" using an internet search engine. This will likely provide you with several sources (such as dictionaries or glossaries) that define the term.
2. Dictionary: Consult a reputable dictionary, either in physical or online form, and look up the term "quaerendum." Dictionaries typically provide definitions, examples of usage, and sometimes additional information about the word's etymology or origin.
3. Language Resources: You can explore Latin language resources, such as Latin dictionaries or grammars, to find the definition of "quaerendum." These resources offer insights into the Latin language and its vocabulary.
4. Contextual Clues: If you encounter the term "quaerendum" within a specific text or conversation, consider the surrounding context for hints about its meaning. Look for other words or phrases that may help you grasp the overall topic or subject being discussed.

By using these methods, you can better understand the definition and usage of the term "quaerendum" and apply its meaning to the appropriate context.