"¿Fueron Uds. a ver la nueva obra de teatro?" "No, no _____. Tuvimos que ir a una fiesta de disfaces."

a. pudimos
b. tuvimos
c. hicimos
d. fueron

i THINK the question is saying:
"Do you want to go see the new play?"
"NO, ________. I'm going to be going to a costume party."

please tell me if my translation is correct or not. and please tell me what the answer choices are
thanks a lot

Did you all go to see the new theatrical play? No......(we couldn't) We had to go to a costume party.

1. we could
b. we had
c. we did/made
d. they were OR they went (if "a" follows)


Yes, A.


Your translation is not entirely correct. The question "¿Fueron Uds. a ver la nueva obra de teatro?" means "Did you go see the new play?" And the response "No, no _____. Tuvimos que ir a una fiesta de disfraces" translates to "No, we didn't _____. We had to go to a costume party."

Now, let's break down the answer choices:

a. pudimos - This option means "we were able to." So, the sentence would be "No, we were not able to. We had to go to a costume party." This is a possibility, indicating that the person was unable to go to the play.

b. tuvimos - This option means "we had." So, the sentence would be "No, we had not _____. We had to go to a costume party." This is a suitable choice, as it indicates that they had something else to do and couldn't go to the play.

c. hicimos - This option means "we did." So, the sentence would be "No, we did not _____. We had to go to a costume party." This doesn't make sense in this context, as it doesn't specify what they did or did not do.

d. fueron - This option means "they went." So, the sentence would be "No, they didn't _____. We had to go to a costume party." This does not fit the context, as the response is talking about what "we" (the speakers) did, not what someone else did.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer choice is b. tuvimos.