If you had this complex ion [CoCo3(NH3)4]^+, where the CO3^-2 is a bidentate ligand. what is the oxidation state of the cobalt and would this complex ion be octahedral or square planar.

CO3^-2 is -2, NH3 is neutral, and the ion has a +1 charge on it. Therefore, Co must be +3 to add to -2 and leave a +1 on the ion. Right? I see a coordination number of 6 (4+2) so I would think octahedral. Square planar would be from a coordination number of +4. (+4 also gives tetrahedral).

To determine the oxidation state of cobalt in the complex ion [CoCo3(NH3)4]+, we need to analyze the charges of other components in the complex.

1. The complex ion carries a net positive charge of +1.
2. The ammine ligands (NH3) in the complex are considered neutral and do not affect the charge.
3. The carbonate ligand (CO3^-2) is a bidentate ligand, which means it can form two bonds with the central metal ion. The carbonate ion is negatively charged (-2).

Now, let's assign variables for the oxidation state of cobalt:

Let x be the oxidation state of cobalt.
Let y be the oxidation state of the carbonate ligand.

Considering the charges present in the complex, we can set up the following equation:

2(x) + 4(0) - 2(y) + 1 = 0

Simplifying the equation, we get:

2x - 2y + 1 = 0

From this equation, we can solve for x, the oxidation state of cobalt:

2x - 2y = -1
2x = 2y - 1
x = (2y - 1) / 2

Since the carbonate anion has an overall charge of -2, the two oxygen atoms have an oxidation state of -2 each. Let z be the oxidation state of carbon.

Thus, we can set up another equation:

2(z) + 3(-2) = -2
2z - 6 = -2
2z = 4
z = 2

Therefore, the oxidation state of carbon is +2 in the CO3^-2 ligand.

Plugging the value of y = 2 into the equation for x, we get:

x = (2(2) - 1) / 2
x = 3/2

The oxidation state of cobalt in the complex ion [CoCo3(NH3)4]+ is 3/2. Cobalt exhibits a variable oxidation state in coordination compounds.

Now, let's determine the geometry of the complex ion. To do this, we can use the coordination number of the central metal ion.

Given that the complex has four ammine ligands (NH3), each forming a coordinate bond, the coordination number is 4. Based on this coordination number, the complex ion [CoCo3(NH3)4]+ would have a tetrahedral geometry.

Therefore, the complex ion would be tetrahedral, not octahedral or square planar.