I need a specfic answer not a list of websites because im so confused on this:Why does heidegger think that "care" is the fundamental part of the being of Dasein? Thanks

A specific answer? And you are taking philosophy?

Philosophy girds itself with discovering principles of life and existence within words (concepts). You can't escape it. There is no such thing as a "specific" answer, ever.

I am reticent to give you this, but I shall because of the kindness of my heart, I care, it is a thing at hand.

<<Care includes taking care of things at hand, taking care of things objectively present, and taking care of Da-sein itself. According to Heidegger, care brings things nearer to Da-sein.Care is circumspect when it discovers things at hand. Care is heedful when it discovers not only things at hand, but things not at hand.

Da-sein takes care of things, and takes care of other beings. Da-sein takes care of being and time. Da-sein is fundamentally concerned about its mode of being, and thus becomes attuned to projecting its own potentiality.

Being-with-others, having concern for others, and taking care of the world are modes by which Da-sein becomes attuned to being-in-the-world. Thus, the being of Da-sein reveals a care and concern by which Da-sein understands and transcends itself.>>

So the understanding of your answer here is to know what he meant by care.


To understand why Martin Heidegger thinks that "care" is the fundamental part of the being of Dasein, we need to delve into his philosophical perspective and ideas. Heidegger's concept of "care" is central to his existential philosophy, particularly in his seminal work "Being and Time."

Here is an explanation of why Heidegger considers "care" as essential for Dasein's being:

1. Dasein: Heidegger uses the term "Dasein" to refer to human existence. It represents the way humans experience and inhabit the world. Dasein is not just an abstract concept but a concrete experience of being-in-the-world.

2. Being-in-the-World: According to Heidegger, Dasein's fundamental mode of existence is "Being-in-the-world." He argues that humans are always situated in a particular world and cannot separate themselves from it. Being-in-the-world encompasses our engagement with the physical, social, and cultural aspects of our existence.

3. Authenticity vs. Inauthenticity: Heidegger distinguishes between authentic and inauthentic existence. Inauthentic existence involves being absorbed in the everydayness of life, conforming to social norms, and focusing on superficial aspects of existence. On the other hand, authentic existence calls for self-reflection, questioning, and taking responsibility for one's experience.

4. Care: For Heidegger, care (German: Sorge) is the primary mode of Dasein's being-in-the-world. Care refers to our ways of being concerned or engaged with the world and ourselves. It is a holistic concept encompassing our attitudes, desires, concerns, and responsibilities.

5. Finitude and Temporality: Heidegger also emphasizes the temporality and finitude of Dasein. The recognition of our mortality provides context and urgency to the care we have for ourselves and others. Care encompasses our relationships, projects, and aspirations, all of which are affected by our limited time in the world.

6. Anxiety and Authenticity: Heidegger argues that anxiety, rather than being something to avoid, can lead us to confront our mortality and existential concerns. It prompts us to reflect on the meaning of our existence and can open a path towards authenticity and genuine care.

In summary, Heidegger sees care as fundamental to Dasein's being because it encompasses our engagement with the world, our self-reflection, and our recognition of our finite existence. By embracing care and fostering authenticity, we can attain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.