1. "No tenog mis libros de español." "¡Qué lastima! Al profesor no le gusta si uno va a su clase _____ libros."

2. "I don't have my books for Spanish." "That's too bad! The teacher doesn't like ...(i don't know what the rest says)

3. without

4. sin

i think it says the teacher doesn't like it when they come without books.(?)

a. antes de
b. según
c. después de
d. sin

1. tengo and yes with d.


P.S. You don't need to do this usually, just like those 2 yesterday where you said you didn't understand and didn't select an answer!

Based on the information provided, it seems like you are trying to determine the correct answer to fill in the blank in the sentence, "¡Qué lastima! Al profesor no le gusta si uno va a su clase _____ libros." (Translation: "That's too bad! The teacher doesn't like it if one goes to the class without books.")

The correct answer is option D. "sin." The sentence in Spanish translates to "without books," and "sin" means "without" in English.

To arrive at this answer, you translated the sentence correctly and recognized that it indicates the teacher's dislike when someone attends their class without books. By understanding the context and the meaning of the words "sin" (without), you correctly chose option D as the answer.